Nyawëh Sgënö’
I’m thankful you are well
Deadiwënöhsnye’s Gëjohgwa’
They protect the language
The Deadiwënöhsnye’s (They Protect the Language) Gëjóhgwa’ (Group of people) "Immersion Program", is designed to contribute to the revitalization efforts of Onöndowa'ga:' Gawë:nö’ (Seneca Language). This program is dedicated to providing adult learners the opportunity to exponentially increase their Onöndowa'ga:' Gawë:nö’ verbal proficiency through various teaching methods and practical applications, in turn, creating teachers, resource developers, transcribers, etc. to increase Onöndowa'ga:' Gawë:nö’ use within the Seneca Nation.
Watch our video for more information on how to join Deadiwënöhsnye’s Gëjóhgwa’!
Video By: Derise Waterman (DG Graduate ‘22)
Deadiwënöhsnye’s Gëjóhgwa’ O’tënödögot
On September 15th, 2022 we gathered at the Jimersontown Seneca Volunteer Fire Dept. to celebrate our Deadiwënöhsnye’s Gëjóhgwa’ Graduates on completing the two-year program, and continuing on to becoming proficient conversational Seneca speakers. The graduates of this program are encouraged to become language teachers, and further their learning through speaking with elders and transcribing audio, and elder speech.
For more information on the program visit this link: Seneca Immersion Group & Deadiwënöhsnye’s Gëjohgwa’ Facebook Page
All photos courtesy of Seneca Media & Communications Center. Pictured September 15th 2022. See full article click here!
Quizlet: Learn Seneca Language
Jawë’öh ges gekönis Sedehjiakha:’ 🌯
Here is a cooking demonstration I created with the help of Seneca speaking elders and filmmaker Caleb Abrams.
IG | @calebgabrams
This video is the final product in completing my 1st year in Deadiwënöhsnye's Géjöhgwa'. An adult Seneca Language Immersion program. https://senecaimmersiongroup.org
**Disclaimer** this video is in no way perfect. There are some mistakes I've tried to correct and I'm sure there are plenty more. If you see please send me a message.
Ëgeyëhe'ö:je' niyögwawënö'dëh koh neh gaedzëönyök ëseyëhe't niswënö'dëh 😊
(I'm still learning our language and I encourage you to learn your language)
Ho’gyë:to’ Onöhsa’shö’öh